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Thesis: Euro – Africa Space: Exploring the Potential, Overcoming Challenges in the EU-Africa Space Economy (2023)


The dissertation examines the integral role of space technologies in our daily lives and the global economy, with a focus on the EU-Africa space economy. It explores the cooperation and collaboration between Europe and Africa in the space industry, assessing the current state, challenges, and potential for mutual development. The study highlights the necessity for knowledge transfer, capacity-building initiatives in Africa, and the significance of over half a century of EU-Africa cooperation. This cooperation is key to accessing financial and technical resources, technology transfer, and promoting trade and investment, ultimately driving economic growth in Africa. The dissertation employs literature reviews, case studies, country-specific analyses, and SWOT analysis to identify knowledge gaps and future research priorities, proposing policy recommendations and strategies to enhance EU-Africa collaboration in the space economy.

Chapter Summaries

  • Chapter One: Provides an overview of the geopolitics of the space domain since the 1950s, focusing on the EU-Africa Joint Strategic Partnership and multilateral space collaborations initiated in 2000. It delves into the broader EU-Africa Partnership, the global challenges facing Africa, the AU Agenda 2063, and the Africa Outer Space program, aiming to offer a comprehensive view of Africa’s efforts toward sustainable development through space technology.
  • Chapter Two: Explores the economic potential of the space industry for both Europe and Africa, specifically in relation to the United Nations Development Goals (UNSDGs) for 2030. It addresses key SDGs, including poverty, urbanization, and partnerships. The chapter presents the growing economic significance of the space industry and the potential opportunities for Africa in satellite provision, agriculture, emergency response, transportation, and infrastructure monitoring.
  • Chapter Three and Four: Discuss the support from the European Union Agency for the Space Program (EUSPA), the European Space Agency (ESA), and the role of European programs like Galileo and Copernicus in achieving sustainable goals. They include case studies assessing the contributions of these programs to the UNSDGs and their impact on Africa. The chapters also feature a SWOT analysis to understand the present and future of European and African space, focusing on their current capabilities and potential for development.
  • Chapter Five: Concludes with a summary of findings and recommendations, followed by bibliographical and archival references.

The thesis emphasizes the importance of fostering EU-Africa collaboration in the space economy to promote sustainable and socio-economic development in both regions.

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