Friday, May 17, 2024
HomeIndustry Reports, Papers and e-BooksPaper: A Discussion on Policies and Regulations Governing the Risks Associated with...

Paper: A Discussion on Policies and Regulations Governing the Risks Associated with Radiation Exposure for Space Tourism Flight Participants (2024)


The paper discusses the regulatory and legislative landscape concerning radiation risks for space tourism, focusing on the United States and the United Kingdom. It analyzes the current state of legislation and regulations, highlighting their limitations in adequately protecting space tourists from radiation exposure. The study emphasizes the need for more comprehensive regulations that address the unique risks associated with space travel, including those posed by cosmic radiation, especially during solar events. Recommendations for future guidance and regulations are made to mitigate potential radiation exposure risks. The paper also explores the concept of informed consent in space tourism, suggesting enhancements to ensure participants are fully aware of the risks involved.

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