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HomeEditor’s PicksPros and Cons of Space Economy Businesses Filing Patents

Pros and Cons of Space Economy Businesses Filing Patents

The new frontier of space has become increasingly viable and attractive for business ventures, leading to a proliferation of space economy businesses. One key aspect these enterprises grapple with is the issue of intellectual property, specifically, whether or not to file patents for their innovations. This question is fraught with unique challenges, and the answer can influence the success or failure of the venture. This article reviews the pros and cons of space economy businesses filing patents.

The Pros of Filing Patents

1. Protection of Intellectual Property

The most obvious advantage of patenting is the protection it affords to the intellectual property of the innovator. Space economy businesses invest heavily in research and development (R&D) to create products, technologies, and systems that are unique and ground-breaking. Patents ensure that these companies can secure their innovations against unlicensed use, copying, or imitation by competitors.

2. Monopolistic Rights

A patent grants its holder exclusive rights to use, produce, and sell the patented invention for a certain period, typically 20 years from the date of filing. This period of market exclusivity can be highly beneficial for space economy businesses, allowing them to establish themselves in the market and potentially recoup the high costs of their initial R&D investments.

3. Potential for Licensing and Revenue

The exclusivity of a patent creates an opportunity for businesses to license their patented technologies to other companies. This can be a significant source of revenue, helping companies fund future innovations. In the competitive field of space economy, a patent portfolio can be a valuable asset, attracting investors and partners.

4. Encourages Innovation

Patents create a kind of innovation ecosystem. The potential for a lucrative exclusive period often incentivizes more companies to invest in their own R&D, pushing the boundaries of technology and scientific understanding. This is particularly important in the space sector, where advancement is reliant on the continual development of new, pioneering technologies.

The Cons of Filing Patents

1. Disclosure of Information

To obtain a patent, businesses must publicly disclose the specifics of their invention. In the intensely competitive space economy, this could enable competitors to build upon that knowledge or design around the patent to develop their own technologies. Some businesses might prefer to keep their innovation secret, using trade secrets protection instead.

2. High Costs and Time-Consuming Process

The patent process can be expensive and time-consuming, including application fees, patent attorney fees, and potentially the costs of international filings. Given the often complex and highly technical nature of space technology, drafting a robust patent application that successfully protects the innovation can be particularly challenging and costly.

3. Difficulty in Enforcement

Patents are territorial, meaning they only provide protection in the countries where they’ve been granted. Enforcing patent rights on a global scale can be complex, costly, and time-consuming. Given the international nature of space activities, this becomes an even more significant challenge. For instance, it’s currently unclear how patent rights would be enforced for activities occurring in space or on extraterrestrial bodies.

4. Obsolescence Risk

Given the rapid pace of technological advancement in the space sector, there’s a risk that by the time a patent is granted, the technology may already be out of date. The protection offered by a patent is valuable only as long as the technology remains relevant.

Industry Perspectives

Elon Musk

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, has expressed some unconventional views on patents.

In 2014, Musk famously announced that Tesla would “open source” its patents, allowing anyone to use its technology in good faith. This means that Tesla will not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use their technology. Musk stated that patents “serve merely to stifle progress, entrench the positions of giant corporations and enrich those in the legal profession, rather than the actual inventors.”

Musk argued that Tesla was more threatened by the lack of electric cars being produced by other companies than by those companies copying Tesla’s design. In essence, Musk’s vision for a sustainable energy future was more important to him than protecting Tesla’s intellectual property for the company’s sole benefit.

In the context of SpaceX, Musk has been less vocal about patents but the company has still filed for them. This is likely due to the different nature of the two industries: automotive and aerospace. In aerospace, specifically in the realm of space exploration where SpaceX operates, the technologies involved are often highly sensitive, costly to develop, and can potentially have national security implications.

However, it’s also worth noting that while SpaceX does file patents, it relies significantly on trade secrets for its most cutting-edge technology. For instance, the technology for the Raptor engine used on the Starship vehicle is considered a trade secret.

These viewpoints represent a unique stance on patents and IP rights, reflecting Musk’s larger vision for his companies and their role in society and technological advancement. He sees these industries as a collective effort towards advancement where shared knowledge can have benefits for the wider society and environment. This, however, is not a universally accepted or practiced approach and varies greatly depending on the industry, company, and specific technology or product in question.


Given the strategic importance of intellectual property (IP) in the highly competitive space industry, different space companies have different strategies relative to patents. Some examples:

Jeff Bezos, Blue Origin: Blue Origin, the space venture founded by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, is considerably protective of its intellectual property. While Bezos himself has not directly expressed his views on patents in public statements, the actions of his company speak volumes. Blue Origin has filed numerous patents, notably one for landing boosters at sea, a concept also used by SpaceX. This shows a traditional approach towards patents as a way of protecting technological innovation, maintaining competitive advantage, and ensuring exclusivity.

Peter Beck, Rocket Lab: Rocket Lab’s CEO Peter Beck has spoken about the importance of intellectual property in maintaining the competitive advantage of a space company. Rocket Lab, known for its Electron rocket, emphasizes innovation and has a portfolio of patents to protect their technology. However, Beck also recognizes the importance of speed in the space industry, suggesting a balanced approach to innovation, execution, and IP protection.

Tory Bruno, United Launch Alliance (ULA): Tory Bruno, CEO of ULA, a joint venture between Lockheed Martin and Boeing, hasn’t publicly discussed his views on patents extensively. However, ULA has traditionally used patents to protect its technologies. ULA’s approach to intellectual property reflects the views of more established aerospace and defense contractors who see patents as critical to safeguarding their innovations.

It’s important to note that each company’s stance on patents is a part of its broader business strategy, and these stances can evolve over time depending on various factors such as market dynamics, technological developments, and changes in international patent law and space law.

Online Resources

Here are some core websites that can be used to search for patents:

Patent Search Database Description and Link
USPTO Patent Full-Text and Image Database (PatFT) USPTO’s database allows users to search for U.S. patents dating back to 1790. You can search by various fields such as inventor name, patent number, and keyword. Visit the database.
Espacenet This is provided by the European Patent Office (EPO). Espacenet offers free access to information about inventions and technical developments from the 19th century right up to today. It covers patents from many different countries around the world. Visit Espacenet.
Google Patents Google’s patent search engine is user-friendly and can be a good starting point for preliminary patent research. It includes patents and patent applications from the USPTO, EPO, and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), among others. Visit Google Patents.
WIPO’s PATENTSCOPE The World Intellectual Property Organization’s database includes over 90 million patent documents from around the world, including international patent applications submitted under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). Visit PATENTSCOPE.
China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) Database For patents filed in China, the CNIPA database can be a useful resource. However, the site is primarily in Chinese. Visit the CNIPA database.
Japan Patent Office (JPO) Database For Japanese patents, the JPO provides a database known as “J-PlatPat.” Visit J-PlatPat.

Note that while these resources can provide useful information, conducting a comprehensive patent search can be a complex task. Professional patent attorneys or patent agents are often employed to conduct thorough searches and provide legal advice on patentability.

“It Depends…”

Deciding whether or not to file patents is a crucial strategic decision for businesses in the space economy. The choice depends on various factors, including the nature of the technology, the business model, and the overall strategic goals of the company. While patents can offer powerful protection and commercial advantages, they also carry risks

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