Sunday, May 19, 2024
HomeIndustry Reports, Papers and e-BooksPaper: Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Space Medicine (2023)

Paper: Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Space Medicine (2023)


Here is a summary of the key points from the paper “Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Space Medicine”:

  • The human body undergoes many physiological changes during long-duration spaceflight that can negatively impact astronaut health and mission success. These include musculoskeletal, visual, and behavioral changes.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) has shown great promise in medicine on Earth and could have many applications for monitoring and maintaining astronaut health during spaceflight. However, there are unique challenges in developing and deploying AI systems effectively in the space environment.
  • Key challenges facing AI in space medicine:
    • Limited astronaut data available for training machine learning algorithms, due to small cohort size and limited metadata. This can increase model brittleness.
    • Lack of prospective research studies on AI systems in space. Randomized controlled trials are difficult with small astronaut numbers.
    • Physiological changes induced by the space environment may render AI models trained on Earth invalid when transferred to space settings.
    • Ethical and legal considerations around use of astronaut data, accountability for AI-related errors, and informed consent.
    • Communication delays between spacecraft and Earth-based support limit real-time decision making. Onboard AI could enable autonomous care.
  • Potential solutions:
    • Use of transfer learning from large terrestrial medical datasets to pre-train models before fine-tuning on astronaut data.
    • Generating synthetic astronaut data with generative adversarial networks (GANs).
    • Prospective testing of AI systems using ground-based space analogs and future commercial spaceflight participants.
    • Developing explainable and transparent AI models to build trust.
    • Establishing ethical frameworks and policies for use of AI in space medicine.
  • AI has great potential to transform space medicine but overcoming current limitations through continued research and innovation will be key.

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