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HomeIndustry Reports, Papers and e-BooksPaper: Historical Review of U.S.-China Relations in the Space Domain (2023)

Paper: Historical Review of U.S.-China Relations in the Space Domain (2023)


The paper begins with an analysis of the fluctuating relationship between the United States and China in the realm of space exploration and technology. This relationship is characterized by a cycle of suspicion and reconciliation, with key moments revealing unintended consequences of U.S. decisions. The paper outlines five distinct interaction periods, providing insight into the complexities of this relationship.

Foundational Era

The foundational period is marked by the journey of Dr. Qian Xuesen, a Chinese scientist who significantly contributed to U.S. space and military projects before being deported to China, where he played a pivotal role in developing China’s space program. This era also saw China’s ideological divergence from the Soviet Union and the Cultural Revolution, which impacted technological advancement. During this time, China focused on launching its first satellite and building out a missile program, eventually signing the Outer Space Treaty in 1983.

Adolescent Era

In the 1990s, U.S.-China space interactions intensified. The U.S., post-Challenger disaster, was more open to launching cargo abroad, while China had developed cost-effective launch services. This led to joint launches, which, however, faced setbacks with launch failures causing civilian casualties. The incidents led to increased U.S. suspicion and tighter export controls, significantly impacting the U.S.-China space relationship.

Oscillating Thinking

Around 2000, stringent U.S. export controls inadvertently affected the American industrial base and European customers. Despite these controls, China continued to advance in space technology, suggesting the limited effectiveness of U.S. restrictions. China’s first human spaceflight in 2003 marked a significant milestone. The period also saw instances of potential cooperation but was marred by contentious events such as China’s anti-satellite (ASAT) tests.

Further Division

Under President Obama, there was a shift towards reforming export controls, but significant restrictions remained. The Wolf Amendment further restricted U.S.-China space interactions. China’s global posture became more assertive under Xi Jinping, diminishing the impact of U.S. restrictions. During this time, U.S. efforts to reform export controls were somewhat successful, but the overall relationship remained strained.

Separation Reinforced

In recent years, U.S. space policy has increasingly focused on American-centric regulations and initiatives, such as the Artemis program and the formation of the U.S. Space Force. Concurrently, China’s space program has achieved rapid progress, including lunar exploration and the development of a crewed space station. The divide between U.S. and Chinese space activities has become more pronounced.


The paper concludes by emphasizing the symbolic significance of space policy in U.S.-China relations. While both nations have achieved significant milestones, their relationship in space remains complex and marked by competition and occasional cooperation. The future trajectory of this relationship could have significant implications for global space governance and international relations.

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