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HomeIndustry Reports, Papers and e-BooksPaper: Overview of the Lunar In Situ Resource Utilization Techniques for Future...

Paper: Overview of the Lunar In Situ Resource Utilization Techniques for Future Lunar Missions (2023)


Here is a summary of the key points from the paper:

Water Access

  • Water ice exists in permanently shadowed regions near the lunar poles and can be extracted via solar heating or drilling systems. This provides a vital resource for life support, propellant production, and scientific activities.

Oxygen Production

  • Oxygen can be extracted from lunar regolith minerals like ilmenite through methods including hydrogen reduction, molten regolith electrolysis, and vacuum thermal decomposition. This provides fuel and life support.

Construction Materials

  • Lunar regolith can be sintered with microwave or solar heating to create bricks, structures, and other building materials for habitats and infrastructure.

Metals and Fibers

  • Metals like iron, silicon, and aluminum can be extracted from lunar soils through carbothermal reduction or molten salt electrolysis. Basalt fibers can also be produced for use in composites.

Energy Utilization

  • Solar energy is abundant on the Moon and can be collected and converted to electricity. Lunar regolith can also be used as a thermal mass for energy storage and supply.

Life Support Systems

  • Artificial ecosystems combining plants, microbes, and waste recycling can provide food, oxygen, and water regeneration. Lunar regolith can be conditioned with organic matter to support plant growth.

In summary, lunar ISRU techniques aim to acquire vital resources like water, air, food, energy, and construction materials from lunar materials. This will enable sustainable, long-term lunar exploration and settlement.

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