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HomeEditor’s PicksReport: Lexicon for Outer Space Security (UNIDIR 2024)

Report: Lexicon for Outer Space Security (UNIDIR 2024)


The document is aimed at harmonizing the language of space security. It emerges in response to the growing complexity of outer space activities and the imperative need for a shared understanding of terminology to enhance global cooperation and prevent misunderstandings. This lexicon is not just a glossary; it is a foundation for dialogue, a tool for diplomacy, and a step towards ensuring that space remains a realm of peace and cooperation.

The Genesis of the Lexicon

The lexicon’s creation was motivated by the recognition of the diversity in the understanding and usage of space security terms among international actors. These disparities, often rooted in linguistic, legal, and disciplinary differences, pose challenges to effective communication and negotiation in space governance. The lexicon seeks to bridge these gaps by providing clear, concise definitions of key terms, accompanied by explanations of their different interpretations.

Framework and Contributions

Structured to cater to a broad audience, from policymakers to industry stakeholders, the lexicon divides terms into categories such as common definitions, space objects, and counterspace capabilities. It also tackles complex concepts related to space policy discussions, embodying contributions from a wide array of space security experts. The collaborative effort underscores the lexicon’s role as a collective endeavor to foster a safer and more secure outer space environment.

The Importance of Shared Terminology

In the context of increasing space activities and the potential for conflict, the lexicon serves as a critical tool for clarity. By establishing a common language, it facilitates better understanding among states and non-state actors, aiding in the development of norms, rules, and principles for responsible behavior in space. This shared terminology is essential for addressing space threats, negotiating agreements, and promoting the peaceful use of outer space.

The Living Document

Acknowledging the evolving nature of space activities, the lexicon is designed as a living document, open to updates and refinements. This adaptability ensures its relevance in the face of technological advancements and the emergence of new challenges in space security. It invites ongoing feedback from the international community, reflecting a commitment to inclusivity and continuous improvement.


The “Lexicon for Outer Space Security” represents a significant step towards building a common understanding among global stakeholders in the domain of outer space. By providing a comprehensive and accessible reference, it aids in navigating the complexities of space security, promoting dialogue, and laying the groundwork for cooperative and sustainable activities in outer space. In doing so, it not only contributes to the advancement of space security but also reinforces the vision of outer space as a domain of shared benefits and responsibilities.

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