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Why Does Gravity Pull Us Down and Not Up?

It started with an apple…

Gravity is a fundamental force of nature that attracts physical objects toward one another. We experience gravity every day as the force that keeps us firmly planted on the ground. But gravity has some strange properties that are not fully intuitive to us. For example, it only ever pulls objects together and never pushes them apart. This seems especially odd when we compare gravity to other attractive forces like magnetism, which can either pull or push, depending on how the magnets are oriented. So why does gravity only pull and not also push?

To understand this, we need to look at Einstein’s theory of general relativity and the concept of spacetime. According to Einstein, gravity is not actually a “force” in the traditional sense, but rather a result of the warping or curving of the fabric of spacetime by matter and energy. Spacetime tells matter and energy how to move, while matter and energy tell spacetime how to curve. So the presence of the Earth, for example, warps and curves the spacetime surrounding it. This creates a “gravity well” that causes objects to accelerate towards the Earth.

We can visualize this gravity well metaphorically as a deformation of a stretchy fabric. Imagine placing a heavy bowling ball on a trampoline – the trampoline fabric would sink downward, creating a bowl-shaped depression around the ball. If you then rolled a small marble onto the trampoline, the marble would accelerate and roll down the slope into the depression caused by the bowling ball. This depression around the heavy bowling ball gives a visual analogy to the gravity well caused by the Earth’s mass warping spacetime.

Importantly, the trampoline can only curve downward and never upward. No matter how you orient objects on the trampoline, you cannot make a location curve upward – you will only ever create wells, never hills. This is a key insight from Einstein’s theory of general relativity as to why gravity only ever pulls objects together and does not also push them apart. Only matter and energy with mass can curve spacetime, and they will only ever curve it into gravity wells. There are no objects we know of that can generate “gravity hills” that would push other objects away.

This explains why even very large magnets do not override the Earth’s gravitational pull, despite the fact that magnets can attract or repel depending on their orientation. Gravity as spacetime warpage is simply a much more dominant effect from large masses like planets and stars. So the reason you always feel gravity pull you downwards on Earth, and never feel it push you upwards, is due to the fact that the Earth has created a “gravity well” in the spacetime surrounding it – and wells can only slope down, not up.

While this explains normal matter that we interact with daily, scientists speculate that there could perhaps be “exotic” forms of matter that might generate antigravity and push objects apart. Some observations of galaxies seem to suggest there may be mysterious gravitational forces at work that do not align with our current models and understanding. However, no form of matter has ever been verified to create antigravity hills that would push rather than pull. Finding this type of matter is an ongoing quest in physics.

In summary, according to general relativity, gravity arises from deformations in spacetime itself rather than being a traditional push-pull “force.” And the curvature created by masses like planets and stars can only ever form gravity wells where spacetime slopes inward like a depression – never gravity hills that slope outward. This explains the puzzling fact that gravity only ever pulls objects together and does not also have a repulsive, pushing effect like some other forces. So next time you feel the tug of the Earth’s gravity pulling you down, remember you are feeling the effect of the spacetime well formed by the mass of our planet!

Common Misconceptions About Gravity

Understanding Einstein’s concept of gravity as warped spacetime is key to resolving some common misconceptions people have about how gravity works. Clearing up these incorrect assumptions can help give us a fuller appreciation of gravity in our everyday lives.

One major misconception is that gravity requires some medium like air or water to act through, i.e. that it cannot exert a pull in a vacuum. This assumption most likely comes from our intuition about forces like friction or drag. But one of the triumphs of Einstein’s theory is the realization that, since spacetime is the medium, gravity works just fine even in complete empty space or vacuum where there is no air, water or anything else present. The curvature of spacetime itself enables the attractive force.

Another common misconception is that gravity gets weaker far away from Earth. While it is true that gravity decreases in accordance with the inverse square law the farther you move from a body, it never completely disappears. Gravity exerts at least a tiny pull between any two masses across any distance. Gravity technically has an infinite range, though the force becomes vanishingly small at cosmic distances. Still, here on surfaces of planets, gravity maintains a constant downward pull rather than petering out with height.

There are also assumptions that gravity pulls hardest on the largest or densest objects. While very massive objects like neutron stars certainly have very strong gravitational fields, at the Earth’s surface all objects regardless of their mass or density accelerate downward at the same rate. Einstein’s famous equivalence principle demonstrates that in a uniform gravitational field size does not affect the acceleration caused by gravity.

Yet another common misconception is that astronauts experience zero gravity when in orbit around Earth. Quite the contrary – gravity still pulls on spacecraft with nearly the full strength as on the ground. But since astronauts and their vehicles are essentially in continuous freefall around the planet, they never “feel” gravity’s pull the way we do standing on Earth’s surface. Gravity is still there keeping satellites in orbit, but the free falling cancels out gravitational forces inside the spacecraft.

These and other misconceptions typically arise from intuitions and assumptions based on our common experiences. But Einstein’s radically different concept of gravity challenges many of our ingrained notions of forces and motion. Letting go of these misconceptions allows us to more fully appreciate and comprehend the nature of gravity as warped spacetime bending under the influence of mass and energy. Gravity is not quite what we always intuitively assume, but has counterintuitive implications that link the very fabric of the cosmos itself to the matter within it.

Gravity in the Universe

While the gravity we contend with daily feels like a constant, unchanging force, gravity actually had a dynamic history throughout the evolution of our Universe. Alongside expanding spacetime, gravity has been a pivotal driver of cosmic evolution.

In the extremely early Universe shortly after the Big Bang, before any stars or galaxies formed, gravity was actually repulsive rather than attractive. This early repulsive gravity acted on a very small scale for just tiny fractions of a second. But it may have set crucial initial conditions for later structure formation as the Universe continued expanding and cooling.

The earliest gravity then transitioned to take on the attractive form we know and love today. Small fluctuations in the density of matter from quantum effects led denser regions to contract under the force of their own gravity. This created the seeds that gradually grew into the first stars through accretion of gas clouds.

These first stars ignited due to gravitational forces compressing their cores until nuclear fusion began. The cosmic dark ages ended when their light shone and ionized surrounding hydrogen gas. Gravity thus facilitated the shift from a smooth, homogenous early universe to one populated with stars and galaxies.

Gravity powers stars throughout their life cycles by counteracting the internal pressure from nuclear fusion. It continually pulls more matter into aging stars like our Sun to fuel further burning. Gravity will eventually overwhelm weakened fusion, compressing dying stellar cores into exotic objects like white dwarfs, neutron stars or black holes at the ends of their lives.

At galactic scales, the gravitational attraction of visible matter alone cannot account for observed orbital speeds and motions. Thus the concept of dark matter was introduced – an invisible substance permeating galaxies and universe. Its gravity explains anomalies between predictions and observations. Recent alternative theories of gravity may reduce or eliminate the need for dark matter to make models work.

Gravity also molds galaxy clusters and the largest-scale structures seen spanning the cosmos. Attractive forces amplify tiny irregularities in the early Universe into the vast filamentary web of supercluster complexes threaded with voids that telescopes now survey. Matter flows along the “cosmic web” as gravity directs traffic at the largest scales.

Understanding this history helps us appreciate how gravity has actively organized cosmic evolution. While gravity maintains a constant pull in our daily earthly lives, its role in the history and fate of our Universe is far more multifaceted and profound. From influencing subatomic particles to entire galactic superclusters, gravity links the smallest scales to the grandest vistas. Our very existence owes thanks in part to gravity!


Gravity remains full of counterintuitive surprises even after centuries of study. The realization that it arises from deformations in the very fabric of spacetime itself represents an incredible leap in comprehension. And we continue expanding our view of gravity’s role across the vastness of cosmic time.

Gravity provides a force of attraction between any objects that have mass. But general relativity tells us this attraction comes from wells in the curvature of spacetime itself rather than being a direct pull. This curvature can only ever slope inward like a depression, explaining why gravity only attracts and cannot repel. Clearing up misconceptions about gravity allows us to more fully grasp and appreciate its true nature.

And beyond its constant presence in our earthly lives, we find gravity also had an intriguing history sculpting cosmic structures across the ages. From facilitating the first stars to shaping galactic clusters, the evolving role of gravity helped determine our Universe’s progression from smooth space to abundant galaxies, stars and worlds. Gravity’s influence spans both the infinitesimal and the grandly immense.

As our comprehension of this fundamental force continues developing, gravity retains mysteries that inspire future exploration and discovery. The quest to unveil a quantum description merging gravity and the other fundamental interactions remains physics’ greatest challenge. What new revelations about gravity’s profound role across time and distance may still await? Our current understanding surely only scratches the surface of plumbing gravity’s true depths.

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