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HomeEditor’s PicksThe Space Safety Coalition: Safeguarding the Future of the Space Economy

The Space Safety Coalition: Safeguarding the Future of the Space Economy

As the space industry continues to expand at an unprecedented rate, with an ever-increasing number of satellites and space missions, the need for responsible and sustainable practices has become paramount. The Space Safety Coalition (SSC) is an international organization that aims to address this critical issue by promoting the adoption of best practices and guidelines for the long-term sustainability of space operations.

Established in 2019, the SSC brings together a diverse group of stakeholders, including satellite operators, government entities, industry representatives, and other key players in the space sector. By fostering collaboration and consensus-building, the coalition seeks to ensure that the space environment remains safe and accessible for all users, both now and in the future.

The Importance of Space Safety and Sustainability

The space environment is a finite resource, and its misuse or overexploitation can have far-reaching consequences. Orbital debris, collisions, and radio frequency interference are just a few of the potential threats that can jeopardize the safety and sustainability of space operations.

As the number of satellites and space missions continues to grow, the risk of collisions and the generation of additional debris increases exponentially. This not only poses a danger to existing space assets but also threatens the viability of future space endeavors.

Furthermore, the space economy is rapidly expanding, with new players and innovative technologies emerging at an unprecedented rate. This growth brings both opportunities and challenges, as the need for coordination and adherence to best practices becomes more pressing than ever before.

The Role of the Space Safety Coalition

The Space Safety Coalition aims to address these challenges by promoting the adoption of responsible practices across the industry. Through its “Best Practices for the Sustainability of Space Operations” document, the coalition provides a comprehensive set of guidelines that cover a wide range of topics, including:

Debris Mitigation

The SSC’s best practices emphasize the importance of minimizing the generation of orbital debris and promoting responsible end-of-life disposal practices for spacecraft and launch vehicle upper stages. This includes guidelines for post-mission disposal, passivation, and collision avoidance.

Information Sharing

Effective communication and data sharing among space operators are crucial for ensuring safe and sustainable operations. The SSC encourages the exchange of information related to collision avoidance, orbital debris, and other relevant data to enhance situational awareness and coordination.

Sustainable Design and Operations

The coalition’s best practices advocate for a “safety-by-design” approach, encouraging spacecraft manufacturers and operators to incorporate sustainability considerations from the initial design phase. This includes guidelines for constellation design, serviceability, and the prevention of intentional fragmentation events.


In recognition of the growing importance of cybersecurity in the space domain, the SSC’s best practices address the need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect space assets and operations from unauthorized access or interference.

The Relevance to the Space Economy

The Space Safety Coalition’s efforts are directly relevant to the growth and sustainability of the space economy. By promoting responsible practices and fostering collaboration among industry stakeholders, the coalition aims to create a safe and sustainable environment for space operations, enabling continued innovation and economic growth.

  1. Mitigating Risks and Costs: Adherence to the SSC’s best practices can help mitigate the risks and costs associated with orbital debris and collisions, ensuring the long-term viability of space assets and reducing the need for costly remediation efforts.
  2. Enabling New Technologies and Services: A safe and sustainable space environment is essential for the development and deployment of new technologies and services, such as satellite constellations, space-based internet, and advanced Earth observation systems.
  3. Fostering International Cooperation: The SSC’s inclusive approach, which brings together stakeholders from various countries and organizations, promotes international cooperation and coordination in the space domain, facilitating the growth of a truly global space economy.
  4. Enhancing Regulatory Compliance: By aligning with existing international guidelines and standards, the SSC’s best practices can assist space operators in meeting regulatory requirements and ensuring compliance with national and international space policies.
  5. Promoting Responsible Stewardship: The coalition’s efforts contribute to the responsible stewardship of the space environment, ensuring that future generations can continue to benefit from the vast opportunities offered by space exploration and utilization.


The Space Safety Coalition plays a crucial role in safeguarding the future of the space economy by promoting responsible and sustainable practices in space operations. Through its collaborative efforts and the development of comprehensive best practices, the coalition aims to create a safe and sustainable space environment that enables continued innovation, economic growth, and international cooperation.

As the space industry continues to evolve and expand, the importance of organizations like the Space Safety Coalition will only increase. By fostering a culture of responsible stewardship and adherence to best practices, the coalition is paving the way for a thriving and sustainable space economy that benefits humanity as a whole.

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